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Longevity - 24.05.23 Zoom

ABOUT US: Nucleate is a non-profit organisation created and led by students. Founded in Boston by Harvard and MIT doctoral students, Nucleate aims to empower students and train the next generation of bio-entrepreneurs. In just over three years, Nucleate has promoted the creation of 100+ startups through the Activator program. Our alumni have raised more than $170 million in funds for the development of transformative technologies such as protein sequencing (Glyphic), a platform for drug development (Manifold Bio), bio fertilisers (Ivu Biologics), and bio-fabrication (FarmForward). In this time, Nucleate has expanded to the main cities in the United States and is currently expanding to the rest of the world. Milan will be among the first European cities to have a Nucleate chapter. The Italian chapter, Nucleate Italia, has already launched its "Global Activator": a 6-month virtual program where selected teams will have the opportunity to participate with access to international-level mentors and workshops, giving students in the fields of science, business, and medicine the help they need creating a startup and connecting them to a network of entrepreneurs, scientists, and world-class investors.
