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Hosted by

United Italian Societies (UIS)

Beyond Earth: Italian Leadership in a New European Space Age

Thursday, February 29
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM GMT

About the event

Day 2 - Panel 1 of the 2024 Italian Symposium.

Panel discussion will be in English.

Major Paolo Angelo Nespoli is an Italian astronaut and engineer of the European Space Agency (ESA). In 2007, he first traveled into space aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery as a mission specialist of STS-120. In December 2010 he again traveled into space aboard the Soyuz TMA-20 spacecraft as an Expedition 26/27 flight engineer. Nespoli's third spaceflight was on board Soyuz MS-05, which launched in July 2017 for Expedition 52/53. He was also the European Space Agency's oldest active astronaut prior to his retirement in 2019.
