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Hosted by

Inspiration Valley

12 going


Inspiration Valley - Max Brigonzi 09.04.2024

Tuesday, April 9
6:30 PM - 7:30 PM CEST

To be announced

About the event

For the upcoming webinar in collaboration with Silicon Valley Study Tour, Innovit - Italian Innovation and Culture Hub, ITA - Italian Trade Agency, Silicon Valley Fellowship and LeadTheFuture, Max Brigonzi will share his experience as Head of Data and Research.

Born in the Novara countryside, Max soon became a ‘glocal’ citizen, with one foot flying high between the EU, the Middle East, and across the Atlantic, and the other firmly grounded in his own country. Economist by education, passionate analyst by heart, Max says about himself that “he gets paid for studying” and sharing knowledge, trying one day at a time to better understand the world we’re living in and make it a better place in the process.

Max started his career supporting hundreds of startups in scaling up, expanding internationally, and getting funded, running large-scale EU matchmaking projects. At Mind the Bridge, a global open innovation advisory firm, he started and now directs the Research Unit, which produces tens of industry-leading reports per year that provide data and decision-making support tools to c-suites and policy officers worldwide. He also teaches Open Innovation at the University of Insubria.

To do his part for an “Italian Renaissance 2.0”, encouraging talents to bet on their future through entrepreneurial spirit and open-mindedness. Goal: to bring forward a new and more inclusive “Italian Dream”, where frontier innovation is driven by the quality of our unique mix of vision, artistry, passion, skill, and drive, for the good of our future as a country and as individuals.

Find out more about Max's journey during the webinar on April 9th.