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Hosted by

United Italian Societies (UIS)

Redefining Italian Business: Strategies for growth in the European Market

Friday, March 1
4:00 PM - 5:15 PM GMT

About the event

Day 3 - Panel 2 at the 2024 Italian Symposium
Panel discussion will be in English

Mirja Cartia d'Asero is Chief Executive Officer of Il Sole 24 Ore S.p.A. since 27 April 2022 and already a member of the Board of Directors since 23 July 2020. She has gained significant experience of over 25 years in the finance sector with a particular focus in the real estate sector, first as a lawyer and then as a manager and entrepreneur. During her first 10 years of career, worked as a lawyer for international law firms in the banking & finance and real estate areas in Italy and London. In the following 12 years, worked for an international investment bank in the real estate finance area. Since 2015 she has held the role of Co-Founding Partner and Chief Executive Officer of a company (ReStar) specialized in NPLs with underlying real estate. In November 2019, ReStar was acquired by Guber Bank, where she was Head of Real Estate. From 2014 to date, held various roles as an Independent Director in listed companies, covering positions on Board internal committees.

Corrado Passera is an Italian manager and banker, who has served as minister of economic development and infrastructure and transport in the Mario Monti Cabinet. In 2018, Passera founded Illimity Bank, a highly innovative bank dedicated to medium and small enterprises with potential, but struggling or otherwise not yet able to adequately finance their development. Passera also served as co-managing director of the Olivetti Group from September 1992 to July 1996, a period when the IT company expanded into telecommunications with the creation of Omnitel and Infostrada. In 1996, he was appointed managing director and general manager of Banco Ambrosiano Veneto, where he carried out the first major banking consolidation deal with Cariplo. In 1998, he became the managing director of the Italian postal system, Poste Italiane. Under his direction, Poste Italiane was restructured and relaunched with new business models, and the entry into financial services through the creation of BancoPosta. In 2002, Corrado Passera is appointed CEO of Banca Intesa
